Useful Links

Here are some links to other sites you might find interesting.

Roman Finds Group
The Roman Finds Group (RFG) provides a forum for all those with an interest in Roman artefacts. It publishes an interesting newsletter, Lucerna, twice yearly, and membership of the group provides access to the archive of all back issues.

Finds Research Group
The Finds Research Group is a forum for people interested in or researching artefacts of the Anglo-Saxon, Viking, medieval and post-medieval periods. The main activities of FRG include themed day conferences held twice a year and the production of information sheets on different types of objects (Datasheets).

Society of Antiquaries of London
The Society of Antiquaries of London is the oldest learned society in the world dedicated to the study of history, archaeology and antiquity. Its website contains many useful resources, amongst others the twice-monthly newsletter, SALON, as well as a link to the society’s extensive library catalogue.

Allen Environmental Archaeology
AEA is the company of Dr Michael J Allen, who is one of the country’s leading environmental archaeologists. He offers land snail analysis, environmental and geoarchaeological services and sampling as well as radiocarbon advice.

Rob Perrin – Archaeological Consultant
Rob has over 30 years experience as a Roman pottery specialist and is available for Roman pottery assessments, analysis and reports. With his background as a former Inspector of Ancient Monuments he can also provide advice on archaeological monument management issues.